Agriculture Class

While half of the year nines went on camp, I stayed behind with the rest. Luckily, my best friend was also staying behind so I had someone to talk to.

Normal classes weren’t on; I mean they were, but we just had free time in them. So, I decided that instead of going to my ‘Explore Melbourne’ class, I would attend Kat’s Agriculture Class. Even if I wasn’t meant to- but I’ll tell you about that later.

So Kat and I went to the Flexi (the name of a building at my school) and the teacher said it was alright for me to stay. Eventually, Kat took me to where all the animals and gardens at school were.

The school has four calves that a local dairy farmer is letting them borrow for about a month or two, so the whole agriculture class is looking after them. I got to meet the four jersey calves (Willow, Bambi and two unnamed ones).

The image above is of Bambi (the middle calf) and the two unnamed calves.

This is Bambi alone.

This is one of the unnamed calves (left) play fighting with Willow (right).

This is me with Willow.
So, as you can tell we had a great time with the calves- but as I mentioned, there weren’t just calves.

There were also Guinea pigs, rabbits and chickens. I didn’t really bother to give the chickens a ‘hello’ but I did say hi to Yeezy (one of the rabbits) and one of the guinea pigs (who we later learnt was pregnant!)

This is the pregnant guinea pig.

This is the rabbit, Yeezy.

Now that’s the good part of agriculture class. I kinda got in trouble for skipping my regular class and going to the ag one instead.

So when Kat and I got back from the animals and returned to the Flexi, our year nine coordinator told me that I ‘had to go back to Explore Melbourne’ and ‘I would see her at lunchtime.’

So, I returned to Explore Melbourne for a whole five minutes of class time. What was he point? She could’ve just left me be at ag, it was only five minutes. I mean, even my regular Explore Melbourne teacher told me that I shouldn’t bother going to the coordinator at lunchtime, but I didn’t want to get in any more trouble, so I went there at lunch (but not before I got an iced coffee, I live for those things).

Turns out the punishment was only rubbish pickup until I filled a shopping bag, so you know what I did? Yep. I just went to one of the normal rubbish bins, stole the rubbish, put it in my bag and said I picked it up.

Bad, I know- but I’m sure you’d do the same if you had the opportunity. Best thing was Kat was by my side so I didn’t have to do it alone.

I showed the coordinator all the ‘work’ I had done and was off the hook. But, on my way to the bin near my locker- I noticed some open classroom windows, I saw the door locked and no one was inside. Yep. I chucked my rubbish bag into that classroom. Then ran off. Can you tell I’m not exactly the ‘goody two shoes’ of the school? Haha, but don’t do that kids. At least make sure no one can see you first.

So, that’s the end of this blog post!

  • Have any of you guys have agriculture classes, or something similar?
  • What are your funniest stories from breaking the rules in school?


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